IWRG undersized tecnico for most of the 00s; small enough to be a considered a mini, but usually wrestling in the normal division. Was a regular for the mid and late part of the decade, but has appeared much less frequently in the 2010s, apparently due to issues working elsewhere. Wrestled frequently around the Mexico City area and has made some appearances for AAA. Wrestled under a mask as Neza Kid in 2013 in Arena Neza, but didn't cover up his arm tattoos at first and was easy to identify (though the dual identity was never acknowledged.) The Neza Kid character was taken over by his son by early 2014.
The "Suicidita" nickname is due to his resemblance to an even smaller version of Suicida Mike Segura.
(1) Finals of a Ruleta De La Muerte; (2) Jaula de la Muerte; (3) 4 way dance rules match also with Cerebro Negro and Black Terry; (4)Losers advance to Cage Match; (5) Relevos Suicidas: Aramis & Dragón Bane vs Demonio Infernal & Freelance