Lucha Libre Latina
From Luchawiki
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LLL (Lucha Libre Latina) is a long running rudo group in AAA, attempting at taking over the promotion. The idea for LLL seems to draw heavily upon WCW/WWE's nWo group. Most, but not all, rudos in AAA have joined LLL at one point or another.
The LLL name was used for a couple of AAA television shows outside of Televisa, as Televisa owns the AAA name.
Currently, the LLL name has been downplayed in favor of La Secta and Konnan's Legión Extranjera concepts, but both groups are supposedly under the LLL umbrella.
Former members include:
- Abismo Negro
- Cassandro
- Charly Manson
- Chessman
- Chucky
- Cibernetico
- El Cuervo
- Electroshock
- Espiritu
- Escoria
- Headhunter A
- Headhunter B
- Histeria II
- Maniaco
- Mascara Maligna
- Mascarita Maligna
- Mini Abismo Negro
- Mini Head Hunter I
- Mini Head Hunter II
- Mini Psicosis
- Mosco de la Merced
- Monsther
- Muerte Cibernetica
- Pirata Morgan
- Psicosis II
- Ozz
- Tiffany