Camaleón de Oro

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Camaleón de Oro
Camaleón de Oro
Name Camaleón de Oro
Real name
Nicknames Camaleón Casillas (!)
Name history El Cardenal (1985-1999), Camaleón de Oro
Maestro(s) El Siberiano, El Mongol, El Patas Blancas, El Moicano
Birth date, location September 2, 1969- Guadalajara, Jalisco
Obituary date
Debut, location 1985
Lost mask to
Height 1.70 mts.
Weight 92 kg
Signature moves La Camaleonina


The concept for this luchador was born by a campaign ran by the Federal Elections Institute of México.


Against Montecristo in Guadalajara's, UNIVA College.
Against Tigre Marino in La Paz, December 02, 2006.