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The OMLL is a Coloradao based lucha libre promotion. It was founded by Alberto Franco Martinez and the rest of the group. It was founded in 2009. They began holding monthy to sporadic shows featuring luchadors all through Colorado. The company is one of Colorado's strongest now. They are holding 3 monthly shows and attract a wide sized audience. Their top stars include, Delta Jr, Capitan Salud, Delta 2000, Paul Diamond, Momia, Red Demon, Black Dragon and Shredder Con, as well as many others.

OMLL's Referees are Mr. Wong, Owl, Scott Mcloving, and senior referee Franco.

OMLL(Orgnizacion Mundial de Lucha Libre) Has recently opened a training facility in which their will be both Amrican style prowrestling that will be run by NRW's Mercury Matt yaden and Lucha Libre


The first OMLL logo
OMLL World Championship
OMLL American Indy Championship
OMLL World Championship Tournament card